Alerts & Flags

Instantly identify restricted, hazmat, fragile, meltable, adult products, and generic brands. Proactively avoid Amazon products with potential sourcing challenges or risks


Identify products sold by Amazon

Find out which products are sold by Amazon to avoid unnecessary competition. Seller Assistant marks inventory sold by Amazon with red “A” icon on the product pages or with the Amazon sign on the orange background on the search pages

See which products require Amazon’s approval to sell directly on Amazon product and search pages, and on supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant’s Restrictions Checker marks restricted inventory with the red closed lock icon

Determine restricted products in one click

See which products require Amazon’s approval to sell directly on Amazon product and search pages, and on supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant’s Restrictions Checker marks restricted inventory with the red closed lock icon


Recognize products with IP complaints

Easily determine and avoid products with intellectual property complaints from brand owners on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant’s IP Alert extension marks items with IP complaints with the red triangle icon

Recognize large and bulky products that incur extra fulfillment costs on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks large and bulky inventory with the red box icon

Detect large and bulky products

Recognize large and bulky products that incur extra fulfillment costs on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks large and bulky inventory with the red box icon

simge Satıcı Asistanı Uygulamasını şimdi deneyin!

Locate fragile items

Identify easily breakable products demanding particular handling during storage and shipping, on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks fragile inventory with the red glass icon

Seller Assistant marks hazmat inventory with the red hazmat icon

Spot hazmat products

Differentiate hazardous materials (dangerous goods) category products that may pose a risk to safety, health, or the environment when you use, store, or transport them, on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks hazmat inventory with the red hazmat icon


Find out adult products

Pinpoint products related to sexual activities or sexual wellness that require Amazon approval to sell and specific packaging. Seller Assistant marks adult inventory with the red 18+ icon

simge Satıcı Asistanı Uygulamasını şimdi deneyin!
Seller Assistant marks meltable inventory with the red drop icon

Figure out meltable products

Find products with a high risk of melting due to high temperatures that Amazon doesn’t store and ship during warmer months, on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks meltable inventory with the red drop icon


Determine generic brand products

Spot out unbranded products where Amazon doesn’t allow you to add your offers to existing listings, on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks generic brands with the red “GB” icon


Frequently Asked Questions

Visit Help Center

What Amazon product alerts and flags does Seller Assistant show?

Seller Assistant shows Amazon product alerts and flags for items that can create problems when you sell it on Amazon. They are indicators of potential challenges or dealbreakers. Examples are where Amazon is a seller, as well as for heavy and bulky products, fragile products products, meltable products, hazmat category, adult products, and generic brands.

Where do Seller Assistant alerts and flags appear?

Seller Assistant alerts and flags appear on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. It displays a corresponding icon:

✓ Red “A” icon (on the product pages) or Amazon on the orange background (on the search pages) if Amazon is a seller;
✓ Red box icon for oversized products;
✓ Red glass icon for fragile products;
✓ Red drop icon for meltable products;
✓ Red hazmat icon for the Hazmat (Dangerous goods) category;
✓ Red 18+ icon for adult products;
✓ Red GB icon for generic brand.

What data do Seller Assistant alerts and flags show?

Seller Assistant alerts and flags help avoid problematic and challenging Amazon products, It displays a corresponding icon:
✓ Red “A” icon (on the product pages) or Amazon on the orange background (on the search pages) if Amazon is a seller;
✓ Red box icon for heavy and bulky products;
✓ Red glass icon for fragile products;
✓ Red drop icon for meltable products;
✓ Red hazmat icon for the Hazmat (Dangerous goods) category;
✓ Red 18+ icon for adult products;
✓ Red GB icon for generic brand.

Can you set an alert for Amazon products?

You can use Seller Assistant to see problematic and challenging Amazon products by displaying specific icons on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. These include a red “A” icon for products where Amazon is a seller, a red box icon for oversized products, a red glass icon for fragile products, a red drop icon for meltable products, a red hazmat icon for dangerous goods, a red 18+ icon for adult products, and a red GB icon for generic brands.

What are Amazon alerts?

Amazon alerts are notifications that help users identify potential issues with products, such as items sold by Amazon, oversized or fragile products, meltable goods, hazardous materials, adult items, and generic brands.Seller Assistant marks these alerts by specific icons, such as a red "A" for Amazon as a seller, a red box for large and bulky products, and other corresponding icons for each category.

How do Seller Assistant alerts and flags work?

Amazon alerts help users identify potential issues with products, such as those sold by Amazon, oversized or fragile items, meltable goods, hazardous materials, adult items, and generic brands. Seller Assistant marks these alerts with specific icons, such as a red "A" for Amazon as a seller and a red box for large and bulky products, among others for each category.

Zahmetsiz Veri Çıkarma

Amazon satıcısı mısınız ve veri toplama süreçlerinizi geliştirmek mi istiyorsunuz? Seller Assistant App, ASIN Yakalama aracı ile yardımcı olmaya burada.

Statik ve dinamik içerik düzenleme

Zengin bir metin öğesi statik veya dinamik içerikle kullanılabilir. Statik içerik için, herhangi bir sayfaya bırakın ve düzenlemeye başlayın. Dinamik içerik için herhangi bir koleksiyona zengin metin alanı ekleyin ve ardından ayarlar panelindeki bu alana zengin bir metin öğesi bağlayın. İşte!

Her zengin metin için biçimlendirme nasıl özelleştirilir

Başlıklar, paragraflar, blok tırnak işaretleri, şekiller, resimler ve şekil altyazılarının tümü, iç içe geçmiş seçici sistemi kullanılarak zengin metin öğesine bir sınıf eklendikten sonra şekillendirilebilir.

Avoid products with Amazon alerts

Bildirim panelinde IP-Alerts, Oversize, Meltable, HazMat, Fragile uyarılarını görüntüleyin.

Selamlar! simge Tereddüt etmeyin bize ulaşın Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa.