Seller Assistant feature

Calculate VAT for Amazon FBA

Seller Assistant supports European VAT. Choose your VAT scheme: No VAT, Standard VAT rate, Reduced VAT rate, Non registered VAT for UK sellers, and VAT on fees for European sellers who sell on Amazon US or Canada.

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Seller assistant VAT feature

Incoming VAT

Now you can choose the way you input the Cost of Goods.
Seller Assistant will calculate base product cost and VAT for you.

Seller assistant VAT feature

VAT settings

Set default cost of goods VAT scheme in your settings.
If you source from retail suppliers, choose COG incl. VAT and input prices you see on the supplier's website. Usually, this is a final price including VAT.
If you source from wholesale suppliers, choose COG excl. VAT and input price which does not include VAT.
Also, you can now set the incoming VAT scheme for each product individually.


VAT for FBA Calculator

Calculate VAT for Amazon FBA

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