Aplicación Seller Assistant

Potente herramienta de investigación de productos de Amazon

All you need for selling on Amazon
Amazon product research has never been easier
Great for online arbitrage, wholesale, and dropshipping

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¿Por qué Seller Assistant App?

Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar información valiosa sobre los productos a los vendedores de Amazon y simplificar su rutina de búsqueda de productos. Encontrar productos par Online Arbitrage, Wholesale y Dropshipping nunca ha sido tan fácil.
Start selling on Amazon with confidence.
5.0 de 5.0 en Chrome Web Store

Soluciones de software para vendedores de Amazon

Seller Assistant App te ofrece soluciones para tu Online Arbitrage, Wholesale, o Dropshipping en Amazon.
Instantly find winning products to sell on Amazon right now


Buy products in bulk and resell on Amazon

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Online Arbitrage

Source products online at a lower price and resell on Amazon for profit

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Online Arbitrage


List offers, receive orders, and ask supplier to ship to the customer

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Get All Amazon Tools You Need

for Online Arbitrage and Wholesale on Amazon

Price List Analyzer (coming soon)

Upload price lists to find product opportunities

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Seller Assistant Extension

Analyze products on right on Amazon pages and on supplier websites

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Seller Spy

Track your competitors

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Brand Analyzer (coming soon)

Get brand insights

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Bulk Restriction Checker

Check if you can sell products in bulk

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IP-Alert by Seller Assistant

Avoid products with IP complaints, understand complaint type and date

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productos analizados
ofertas de arbitraje encontradas y guardadas
Más de 45 000
usuarios en todo el mundo

Socio de software externo de confianza

Amazon lo revisa rigurosamente y lo monitorea continuamente para garantizar el cumplimiento inquebrantable de sus políticas.

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Lo que obtienes


Le proporcionamos los datos para que pueda tomar decisiones empresariales con confianza.

Product Page View

Research in-depth product data on Amazon product pages: key product data, Lookup Links, FBM & FBA Calculator, Offers, Variation Viewer, Alerts and Flags, Sales Estimator, Stock Checker, Notes, and Restriction Checker

Side Panel View

Research potential Amazon deals on any supplier website side-by-side

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Quick View on Search Pages

Quickly access all key product data for informed buying decisions

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FBM & FBA Profit Calculator

Effortlessly calculate product profit, ROI, and margin and account for all Amazon fees, logistics costs, and taxes. Customize FBA and FBM costs and fees

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Restrictions Checker

Determine if you can sell the product on your seller account. Identify restricted categories and brands in one click

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Alerts and Flags

Discover hazmat, generic brands, heavy & bulky, meltable, fragile, adult products, and Amazon as seller  directly on the product, search pages, and in Side Panel View on supplier website

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Sales Estimator

Estimate how many products you can sell and total sales amount

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Charts Panel

Research interactive Keepa-driven charts to evaluate product sales history and historic price details

Variation Viewer

Identify best-selling Amazon product variations and rating share per variation

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Export to Google Sheets

Export product research results to Google Sheets in one click

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Lookup Links

Search product suppliers on Google, Google Shopping, eBay, Walmart, Target, Webstaurant, Katom, The Home Depot, Alibaba in one click

VAT Calculator

Easily calculate European VAT and schemes for sellers in Europe, US or Canada

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Stock Checker

Instantly check product stock by FBA and FBM seller type

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Virtual Assistant Account

Create accounts for employees and virtual assistants and check product restrictions without access to Amazon Seller Central account

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ASIN Grabber

Automatically grab from Amazon product title, ASIN, BSR, category, price, restrictions, IP-Alerts, flags, rating count, variation type

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Analyze your FBA and FBM competitor offers, Buy Box %, prices, and seller stock

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Add custom notes, Cost of Goods, product source link, likes and dislikes on Amazon product and search pages, in Side Panel View on supplier website, and Seller Central inventory pages

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Miles de clientes satisfechos de todo el mundo

«¡Increíble aplicación para la investigación de productos! He dejado de usar RevSeller porque esta aplicación Seller Assistant puede reemplazar a ambas en la investigación de productos. ¡Y proporciona más información adicional y útil!»
Balaraja Bhattacharyya
«La extensión más útil para obtener información sobre un producto. Ninguna otra aplicación que haya probado tiene esas funcionalidades. Tiene funciones muy prácticas, una interfaz rica y se mejora constantemente. Simplemente la mejor aplicación del mercado».
Lina Davis
Vendedor OA
«Es una extensión de Chrome increíble para los vendedores de Amazon. Es fácil de usar, está repleta de excelentes funciones y es increíblemente asequible».
Vova incluso
Vendedor de Amazon FBA, bloguero de YOUTUBE
«¡El complemento más conveniente, útil, comprensible y rentable para los emprendedores de Amazon! Muchas gracias por el valor de la aplicación Seller Assistant. El soporte es de alto nivel, todo es rápido. ¡Creo que la aplicación pronto se hará famosa en todo el mundo!»
Rafael Sarabí
Vendedor mayorista
«El mejor software para Amazon Research, mi equipo está contento de haberlo encontrado. Anteriormente utilizábamos RevSeller y era un gran problema presentar la información en las hojas de cálculo. Ahora lo hacemos automáticamente. ¡Muchas gracias por el mejor software de Amazon! »
Alex Trobb
Investigador de Amazon
«Después de usar este plugin durante 4-5 meses. Pronto será tan esencial como RevSeller. Omitir esta herramienta no tiene sentido a menos que dejes de vender en Amazon. Se lo recomiendo encarecidamente a todos los que valoran su tiempo. »
Thomas Irwin
Vendedor de Amazon

Mercados compatibles



Valuable Product Information

Retrieve critical data like ASIN, BSR, Category, and more. The feature also provides real-time, minimum, and average pricing information, enhancing your market analysis for better arbitrage decisions.

FBM & FBA Profit Calculator

This feature calculates ROI, Profit Margin, and the Break-Even point for both FBM and FBA sales. It helps you set a targeted ROI price and the minimum price for Amazon's Repricer, equipping you with a financial blueprint for each product.

Offers and Competition

A comprehensive list of FBM and FBA offers alongside competitors' prices and ratings. It also shows the lowest FBM and FBA prices, giving you an edge in pricing strategy.

Custom Notes and Data

Input Cost of Goods, add notes, and source links directly on Amazon pages. The feature allows likes and dislikes to be recorded, making it a hub for all your product-specific information.


An automated system that shows Intellectual Property Claims and Account Health issues right on Amazon products, reducing the risk of account suspension.

Restrictions and Alerts

This feature scans product and search pages for restrictions, HazMat, Oversize, Meltable, and other flags, providing an extra layer of due diligence.

Sales and Profit Estimator

Get an estimated snapshot of total product sales and profits based on current competition. This intelligence informs your purchasing decisions.

Keepa Graph

Incorporated BSR graph showcases BSR drops for 30, 90, and 180 days, and average prices, aiding in trend analysis.

Variation Viewer

Displays all product variations and the percentage of reviews per variation, offering insights into consumer preferences.

Google Sheets Export Support

Export over 80 variables with a single click, allowing for seamless data manipulation and analysis on Google Sheets.

Search & Lookup Links

Conduct broad searches on various platforms and look up products by multiple identifiers. Also includes quick links to product descriptions.

Quick View on Search Pages

Quick View serves a snapshot of essential metrics like ASIN, BSR, number of FBM & FBA offers, and others right on the search pages for fast analysis.

Fees and Expenses

Calculates all potential fees, including referral and FBA fees, and allows for custom third-party logistics costs and VAT schemes, delivering a more accurate profit analysis.

Stock Checker

Provides the total available stock for a product and breaks it down by seller and seller type, offering inventory insights.

Bulk Restriction Checker

Bulk upload and check up to 5000 ASINs for restrictions and brand gating, with reports directly sent to your inbox.

Ease of Use

This extension is user-friendly, delivering all needed data directly on Amazon's Product, Search, and Inventory Pages, making research hassle-free.

Sub-Account for VAs

Allows the creation of sub-accounts for Virtual Assistants, enabling them to check Amazon product restrictions without requiring access to your main seller account.

Each feature is designed to offer actionable insights, optimize your selling strategy, and mitigate risks, ultimately contributing to increased profitability.

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