Seller Assistant features


Seller Assistant goes with a number of features that can supercharge your Amazon Product research routine.

Lo que obtienes


Le proporcionamos los datos para que pueda tomar decisiones empresariales con confianza.

Product Page View

Research in-depth product data on Amazon product pages: key product data, Lookup Links, FBM & FBA Calculator, Offers, Variation Viewer, Alerts and Flags, Sales Estimator, Stock Checker, Notes, and Restriction Checker

Side Panel View

Research potential Amazon deals on any supplier website side-by-side

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Quick View on Search Pages

Quickly access all key product data for informed buying decisions

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FBM & FBA Profit Calculator

Effortlessly calculate product profit, ROI, and margin and account for all Amazon fees, logistics costs, and taxes. Customize FBA and FBM costs and fees

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Restrictions Checker

Determine if you can sell the product on your seller account. Identify restricted categories and brands in one click

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Alerts and Flags

Discover hazmat, generic brands, heavy & bulky, meltable, fragile, adult products, and Amazon as seller  directly on the product, search pages, and in Side Panel View on supplier website

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Sales Estimator

Estimate how many products you can sell and total sales amount

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Charts Panel

Research interactive Keepa-driven charts to evaluate product sales history and historic price details

Variation Viewer

Identify best-selling Amazon product variations and rating share per variation

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Export to Google Sheets

Export product research results to Google Sheets in one click

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Lookup Links

Search product suppliers on Google, Google Shopping, eBay, Walmart, Target, Webstaurant, Katom, The Home Depot, Alibaba in one click

VAT Calculator

Easily calculate European VAT and schemes for sellers in Europe, US or Canada

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Stock Checker

Instantly check product stock by FBA and FBM seller type

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Virtual Assistant Account

Create accounts for employees and virtual assistants and check product restrictions without access to Amazon Seller Central account

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ASIN Grabber

Automatically grab from Amazon product title, ASIN, BSR, category, price, restrictions, IP-Alerts, flags, rating count, variation type

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Analyze your FBA and FBM competitor offers, Buy Box %, prices, and seller stock

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Add custom notes, Cost of Goods, product source link, likes and dislikes on Amazon product and search pages, in Side Panel View on supplier website, and Seller Central inventory pages

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Funciones que necesitas

¿Listo para comenzar? Prueba Seller Assistant App ahora para acelerar tu rutina de investigación de productos en Amazon.

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